How Gutter Guards Can Help Prevent Roof Damage

Depending on the age and condition of your roof, a gutter guard system can help prevent damage that occurs to roofs overtime. The majority of roof issues stem from water damage and general wear through the years. We would like to talk to you about the issues facing your roof and how you can prevent these problems for the years to come.

If you find homes without gutters you will notice a few things: deteriorating siding, erosion of vegetation and foundation, and wood rot to the perimeter of the roof. Regarding this blog, lets focus on the roof. The roof has many parts, to name a few of interest: fascia board, soffit, rake boards, rafter tails, sheathing, and underlayment. If some of those names sound foreign to you, that’s fine, but the take away here is this: all of those parts of the roof have the potential for water damage that can be caused either by clogged gutters or having no gutters at all.

It helps to note for reference that all the above-mentioned roof components will reside around the perimeter of the roof. And when talking about the usefulness of gutters, these roof parts are generally known to last longer with proper mitigation of rainwater.

Roof Gutter Guard

Gutters that are not maintained can cause gradual deterioration to the perimeter of the roof, which can cost tens of thousands of dollars to fix. And once fixed, you still have gutter issues that will continue allowing wood rot. This happens because clogged gutters can add continual water moisture to accumulate around the perimeter of the home simply because the water can sit in the gutter, sometimes for entire seasons. As well, in rare cases, the water can flow back into the roof instead of over the gutter like it is typically seen.

This happens to be the worst case for gutters and should be of immediate interest to any homeowner if they are experiencing wood rot faster than expected. Save yourself tens of thousands in repairs by considering a preventative measure.

So, what should be done? Having gutters is incredibly useful but you must consistently clean your gutters to maintain the benefit of having gutters, sometimes multiple times a season. Gutter guards can prevent roof damage because the system will allow the water to flow from the roof and down the downspouts as intended without the chance of clogging. As well as certain types of gutter guard such as the one at Four Seasons Gutter Filter can act as additional flashing, adding more security to the perimeter of your roof. If you are concerned about wood rot on your home it may be time to consider gutter filters.

Gutter Guard Systems at Four Seasons Gutter Filter

The team at Four Seasons Gutter Filter can help you understand this process with our trained estimators that will guide you through the specifics of your home gutter system! Give us a call for a free estimate at (844) 345-8374. or fill out our online contact form.

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